Reviews Cuddle Ewe Travel Ewe™ Sale

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Cuddle Ewe Travel Ewe™ Reviews

Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to Cuddle Ewe Travel Ewe™. If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
Customer Rating:
Rating: 4.5
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Cuddle Ewe Travel Ewe™

Cuddle Ewe Travel Ewe™ Overview:

  • Cuddle Yourself in Natural Comfort
  • Enjoy Cuddle Ewe™ comfort, anywhere! The Cuddle Ewe Travel-Ewe™ Underquilt is designed to easily travel with you, weighing only 10 pounds and fitting neatly into its own heavy duty tote bag (600 denier). Made of pure wool batting with cotton ticking, the Travel-Ewe™ is designed to fit any sized bed, and measures 31 by 73 inches (slightly smaller than a twin size underquilt). Deep restorative sleep is elusive for so many people.

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Cuddle Ewe Travel Ewe™

Cuddle Ewe Travel Ewe™ Reviews
Customer Reviews
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11 of 11 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars This product made traveling acceptable again!, September 21, 2007
My2Cents (San Carlos, CA United States) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Cuddle Ewe Travel Ewe™ (Health and Beauty)
I don't have fibromyalgia, but I do have chronic back, neck and joint problems with painful pressure points. I've always loved traveling and camping, but eventually I was unable to get a good night's sleep anywhere but our own bed at home. Until I bought the Travel Ewe. I tried it out first by using on my side of our bed at home and loved it. It really does do a good job of relieving my pressure points. I then took it on a camping trip and I actually was able to sleep through the night without incident on my camping cot. Now granted it wasn't as comfortable as our expensive bed setup at home (duh!), but the thick wool cushioned me enough that I could function well on our camping trip. I have also used it in hotel room beds and it's really helped there too -- again, not as comfortable as home, because of course it's not going to make up for a bed with poor support or lousy motion control, but the wonderful thick padding at least takes care of the pressure points so those aren't sore in... Read more
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4.0 out of 5 stars helps provide relief from pain for lupus+reumatoid arthritis, January 25, 2012
This review is from: Cuddle Ewe Travel Ewe™ (Health and Beauty)
This Cuddle Ewe was recommended by a friend that has Fibro; she has owned one for years and swears by it that it helps with her chronic pain. She knows I have Lupus and severe Rheumatoid Arthritis - how severe? I've already had some joints replaced in my hands at age 37 (now 42). Add in a couple of ruptured disks in my back and some chronic insomnia and there you have the perfect candidate for what she says a Cuddle Ewe can do.

I bought the travel size even though my bed is larger because I wanted to be able to actually travel with it. I have since used this to sleep in the back of a Dodge Magnum wagon, in motels, hotels, and as a guest in other's homes. For me it provides pain relief by effectively cushioning my joints. The Cuddle Ewe does NOT take away ALL the pain, just helps me get more comfortable and the pain is definitely less.

When my joints are feeling fragile on rainy days at home this even fits in my recliner so I can feel more comfortable and enjoy... Read more
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